Web directory that provide information and review about Indonesian websites.
Djarum Foundation website can be accessed through domain name djarumfoundation.org that is a very old domain, more or less 19 years. It is known that in 2005 domain name djarumfoundation.org was registered. Description about Djarum Foundation is Continues to strive to participate in advancing the nation by improving the quality of human resources and maintaining the preservation of Indonesia natural resources. Djarum Foundation website was listed on Web Directory Indonesia in organization directory on November 21, 2020. The content on Djarum Foundation website is related to organization and have some topics and engaging information presented on this website. This site provides video content making this site more attractive. There is a content search function on this site and this will very helpful in content search. On the right side there is a button for search. Most people like this website due to layout design combination of web pages is nice and interesting. This website looks nice with a great mix of colors from many images. The appearance of Djarum Foundation web pages looks a bit crowded but still well organized. Main navigation is on the Djarum Foundation website. This is very helpful for visitors when browsing the site. When reading scroll down a web page, main navigation always follows the screen making it user friendly and fast accessible. Another good thing is that the web pages has no advertisements. So that when you explore this website it will feel more comfortable. After tracking seo performance on Djarum Foundation web pages, the result is nice and the number of links to djarumfoundation.org domain is already several. It is easy to find Djarum Foundation website because it is indexed on several search engines. In conclusion, this is a cool website and engaging. Related to organization, you will definitely prefer Djarum Foundation and you will not regret visiting this site. https://www.djarumfoundation.org
Organization Directory contains information about organization and a list of organization websites in Indonesia that provide information about an organization or foundation, activity, social assistance, and others.